I can see where a lot of people will totally disregard what
follows. It's like convincing a
Christian that their idea of god is incorrect; so ingrained since birth are they that
they cannot see through the fog of culture even if you smack them right in the
face with some truth. It is no different
with gender. The evidence is
overwhelming, so if you think what this culture is selling is how it really is
you probably are not going to like this one.
If your identity regarding being a man or a woman is based on what this
culture says that is; you are a sexist.
Sexist: Believing that one sex is inferior to the other in a
variety of attributes. Resulting from
or relating to the belief that one sex is inferior to the other in a variety of
Be careful here. Don’t
formulate that opinion before continuing.
Put it aside. Don’t be the sexist
who doesn’t even know they are sexist. Don’t
be the atheist that still follows Christian dogma. Don’t be the female who never learns logic,
or the male who never gets in touch with his emotional content. Don’t think that just because you have good
intentions for the opposite sex that this means you are not sexist. It goes much deeper than that.
In what follows it is important to realize a few truths
regarding so called modern psychology.
Psychology is just like everything else; there are those who know what
is up and those who do not.
Unfortunately, it all gets wrapped up under the same label. It is no different with anything else,
preachers, scientists, astrologists, doctors, on and on that list goes, with
those who know what they are talking about and those who do not. Discerning the difference takes some
Sadly, a great deal of psychology is under the bent of
producing the greatest number of efficient workers. It is not designed to produce true, healthy
individuals. True healthy individuals do
not increase GDP. If one falls outside
of what psychology has determined to be the best human then there is something
wrong with that individual. This concept
is taught from birth in this culture.
This is a flawed way in which to view the human being. This whole idea of defining what is and what
is not a flawed human being is quite devastating to our culture, when it is
flawed human beings defining the terms.
In psychology there are a great deal of assumptions that get
casually looked over all the time. The
implied truths beneath the "study" are ignored in face of the
research itself. It is quite important
to have some sense of self before delving into the field of psychology. It's the same as forming one's own worldview
regarding metaphysics; if one of the foundational beliefs is off just a tiny
little bit, the whole system is incorrect.
Unfortunately the majority of psychological work done under the term of
gender has made such a mistake. It's all
done with very subtle flaws in worldview.
Because of some false premises in the very beginning, the whole system
is whack. This doesn't mean that there
are not tidbits of truth within it, but that one must carefully sift through to
figure out what is what. In this case, I
am speaking specifically about the use of the words regarding gender. Males are this way, females are this way, and
to stray from this guideline somehow means one is not normal. I am here to tell you that nothing could be
further from the truth.
It is important to understand that no matter what label one
uses, or what system one builds, there will always be exceptions,
anomalies. Anomalies have
anomalies. Realizing this, it
immediately becomes impossible to make a statement regarding gender. We can't even say that all females will have
a vagina, or that all males will have testicles. We have already admitted that no matter what
we say, we will find an anomaly. If I
say, all men, are such and such a way, one will immediately be able to find a
man who is not, but is a man all the same.
A classic stereotype is the idea that women are meant to raise
children. The second one makes this
statement one can find women who are not ideal for raising children, yet they
are women all the same. I can easily
find men more than capable of nurturing children.
The issue is the labeling we use. The fact that words do not exist in the mind,
but images do is critical to understand.
When we use the word female, for each of us, an image comes to mind that
happens to be much more than just the word female. Pointing this out immediately makes the issue
quite deep. Because of our birth in
this culture, we were steeped by the collective conscious, its images and
ideas, regarding what it is to be male or female. This was imprinted on us as children before
we could realize it was happening. The
issue is that this culture was built on lies and that as children we have no
way to keep it from being imprinted into our minds.
It's not really a competition, but we are defined in our
relationship with others, so on a certain level it is impossible to not
compare. It is how we achieve context in
our own inner world. I see things in
others and relate those ideas to my Self.
I don't know that I can say that I have ever known anyone to be more
hyper masculinized than I. It has
definitely been one of the more defining qualities of my life, and because of
this, what it means to be a man has been of the upmost importance in my
life. Besides loving a woman, nothing
has been more important to me. Being a
man and loving a woman are hand in hand.
Ultimately though, I decided I was not going to let anyone else define
what a man was. As I became more aware
of the situation I realized I didn't know any real men. I took some advice along the way, from lesser
men, but I was forced to create my own definition.
More than any other phrase in life, "Don't be a
pussy," was ingrained into my mind.
This term is quite negative in my mind.
It rings in my mind still to this day.
Raised as I was, I was ingrained to believe being female was the worst
thing possible, the worst imaginable.
This caused my life to be quite uncomfortable as a child because my
personality is quite feminine. I was at
war with myself before I was four years old.
I was completely brainwashed to associate being feminine with being
weak, which meant I was brainwashed to think I was weak. I was constantly told that the way I was, was
weak and inferior, and that something was wrong with me. It was a source of great shame, yet in the
end, the most masculine thing a male can do is be feminine. Oh the irony.
Realizing this intellectually is one thing, integrating it
emotionally is another thing all together.
I know a fifty year old man still tormented in life because he can't
emotionally accept that his feelings are quite feminine. Like me, using this broken cultures labels he
is a woman in a man's body. I understand
his pain. I didn’t want to be this man
though, still lost at 50. I had enough
awareness to see this future for myself if I didn’t do something about it. Upon actually, physically becoming a grown
male, my emotional content was for all functioning purposes; destroyed. What made this process of unlearning
inevitable was that my personality is quite androgynous and in this culture
there is no room or acceptance of such a thing, so there wasn’t really any help
available to me. For many years in my
life it looked pretty bleak. It was
either figure it out, or be a fifty year old emotionally tormented male. That is just not my thing. It isn't sexy at all.
It's like the twins who created stories for why they were
perfectionist; I created stories for why I was both a man and a woman
internally. I blamed external forces for
the way I was internally. Naturally at
first it was all mixed up. The truth is,
I am what I am, just like everyone else, for no other reason than that. It is what it is. That is the real truth. I am not male or female. I am just me.
It is this culture that generated the image of male and female, and this
culture was designed by sociopaths. The
meanest, cruelest, most crazy of people designed this culture. It's easily verifiable. Still to this day bigots are given a voice in
our culture. That is why women still are
not treated equally. It is why
discrimination still exists; bigots are given a voice.
The people who raised me gave me nothing but lies. They swallowed the culture whole without
asking a single question as to why, and without even realizing it, forced it
upon me. Luckily for me it was my wish
to know the truth, and that brought me out of the mess. The truth set me free. The truth is, there is no one certain way
that anyone acts because of their gender.
Gender has absolutely nothing to do with one's true sense of Self, which
means it has nothing to do with our innate personality. At the best it can only be said to affect our
personality, but mostly it is the culture which does this. It is this culture that ingrains the
female/male polarity into our minds.
Having a vagina or testicles has nothing to do with how one feels as a
person. We use these labels because of this
culture, not because it has any bearing on the truth of what it means to be a
human being.
There are no female qualities or male qualities, there are
only human qualities and they are equally distributed among us all. These psychologists, who are broken
themselves, measure broken people, not whole and fulfilled people, and then proceed
to speak as if they do know what is what.
The reason for the seeming stereotypes is because of a system that
perpetuates lies. We all believe that
certain qualities are feminine or masculine because there are so many who buy
into the lie that our gender causes us to be some certain way. It just habitually gets passed on generation
after generation. Psychology perpetuates
the lie. Christianity practically
enforces it still to this day. In 2014
there are still more than a few churches, worldwide, which openly degrade
For most people it is so overwhelming that they never get
out of it, and then there are ones who cannot keep from getting out of it no
matter what the circumstance.
I can attest to this personally because no matter how hard
those who raised me beat and humiliated me, no matter how hard this culture
tried to shame it out of me; I am in touch with my feminine side more than
ever. The first step-dad would whoop my
ass for being wild, then whoop me some more for crying like a girl for being
whooped in the first place. I promise,
the dude tried really hard to make me a "man." More than a few times I was punched in the
head because I was crying after being whooped with a leather belt. I consider myself to be living proof you
can't beat or ridicule the personality out of someone. I am still as sensitive as ever, I just
stopped beating myself up for it. That
was the most damaging part of it all; they taught me to beat myself up
I don't mind being labeled femininely anymore. It can be uncomfortable, outnumbered as I am,
but with age people don't really say the stuff to your face like they do when
you're a kid. People stuck in this
culture have quite a problem with that statement, "I am a woman on the
inside," simply because their eyes describe to them a six foot tall, alpha
male in physical form, with a really deep voice, which leaves them quite
unprepared for the emotional, intuitive side of me that is pretty much just a
woman. So blinded are most by culture,
that sentence doesn't even make sense to them.
It's kind of hilarious and sad all at the same time.
I used to say that there is nothing more powerful than a
woman in a male body; a woman with balls.
As I came out of my shell I began taking pride in it. So what if I act like a woman? It's not like anyone can stop me. It's exhilarating to stop caring what others
think. Embracing the power of emotion
and intuition, and then combining that with the physical ability to carry out
any and all actions is a very glorious feeling that I wish everyone could
know. What could be more powerful in
social settings than to have all the human qualities at once, logical rational
thought, with intuition and feeling? I
did not have the disadvantage of being raised second to males. I was treated like a male. I had the advantage of being toughened, a
girl raised to be a man.
Looking back no one had any idea what I was going
through. All anyone ever saw me as was a
male. I was being raised to be something
that I was not. People are often so
sexist that can’t comprehend someone being feminine, yet not gay. No one when I was a child was even capable of
considering that I was so feminine because that would mean I had to be
gay. They were so ignorant all they
could say was that there was something wrong with me. At the very least that is how I always
felt. Because I have a male body I was
pushed, driven, and literally forced to be tough, and to overcome my inner self
to achieve in the material world. To be
a man you can't have feelings.
I am not, in any way shape or form, claiming that I know
what it is like to be an actual female.
I know what it is like to be a young boy with feelings and intuition
abused in a sexist society. Even
describing me as a woman on the inside is not accurate, it’s just that I am
forced to use the images this culture generates to express an idea in
words. I am not a woman on the inside; I
am who I am on the inside. This whack
culture just happens to think the way I am on the inside is that of a
I cannot even imagine living in a world where everyone just
unconsciously expects me to be a lesser human being, which is what happens to
females. I am saying though, that by
accepting my Self, as I am, I know exactly what it is like to be emotional and
intuitional like a female. This tells me
that anyone can do the same. I know more
than a few females who I relate with quite openly, and they can attest to this
ability. They are also the primary
reason I was able to overcome what was done to me. Without the help of my female friends I would
not have been able to undo what was done to me.
Their friendship and understanding gave me the ability to discover my
true Self. They can also attest to how
quickly it freaks out a stereotypical sexist male if I were to be my true self
in their presence. I've tested this many
times, and it never fails to freak out sexists.
Dudes don't know what to do with a bitch with balls.
Luckily for me, I have never let the negative attitudes of
others completely prevent me from doing my thing in life. As if I could ever stifle my emotions just
because someone else said I should. Somehow,
in all that mess, I still managed to love myself just enough to peek through
the bullshit. I believed that crap when
I was young, but now I know better.
Instead of driving those abilities out of myself, I learned to embrace
them. I have not found a single reason
as to why girls are not taught to develop a logical thought process and boys
are not taught to be in touch with their emotions and intuition. That simple change would bring about a major
shift in world problems. It is not a
crazy idea that we all be capable of both.
All humans should have these traits regardless of gender.
How much further along would we be as a race if we all
embraced this?
I believe that males are just as suppressed by this
patriarchal culture as females are. Most people never actually get an education
because they believe they are educated.
Most people never discover the truth regarding god because they already
think they know what that is. The
majority of men never actually become men because they believe they are already
so, more often than not, simply because they were born with a penis. They believe they are superior to a female
simply because they are male, therefore, they never actually become
superior. It is just as devastating to
falsely believe one is superior as it is to believe one is inferior. On both sides of the gender issue the lies
are keeping everyone from achieving their potential. It could almost be said that it is worse for
the male in this regard because it is easy for the female to see she has been
For every woman that does not fulfill her potential because
she inherently believes she is weak, there is a male failing to do the same
because he never figured out how to get in touch with his own emotional
content. Doomed on both sides to only
ever be 1/10th of what one is capable of.
It is just as crippling to stifle boys emotions as it is to tell girls
they can't climb a tree because they might get hurt. I say let him cry and let her fall down. Crying is the emotions getting stronger. These ideas literally suppress generations of
boys and girls, keeping them from ever fulfilling their potential.
A classic example and I have seen this many times, is when a
new father finds his son doing feminine things.
Like playing with dolls, dressing them, and so on. Certain fathers become quite distressed by
this, which I find to be quite ignorant.
The poor child, before he is even old enough to speak clearly is already
being suppressed by his father’s false ideas regarding gender. The child is already doomed to be only a
fraction of his potential because his feminine side is being stifled before he
even knew he had feminine qualities. The
child may never know it. Most children
never have a chance.
Can you see the frustration of this? It frustrates me because I can't even discuss
it without using the labels of a broken culture. I need to create my own words and define the
terms. Can you see how it happened to you? Male and female qualities; these ideas do not
exist in reality. The images these
labels generate in our minds are precisely the problem. These qualities portrayed as they are by
society are neither feminine nor masculine.
Dressing dolls is not a feminine quality, it’s a human quality. If you identify a child dressing up dolls as
being feminine, you friend, are a sexist.
Crying is not a feminine quality.
Being tough is not a masculine quality.
Dressing up in outfits is not feminine, but human, unless of course, you
are being raised by a homophobic sexist.
Then one will be quite aware of the differences, forever after
suppressing one or the other, until that day comes when one snaps out of it, if
that day ever comes.
I speak from personal experience, as one who has suffered
the ridicule of a sexist society all my life.
One who, like most I assume, never really gets to be himself, in public
at least, because of the overwhelming sexism in the culture. Always wearing a façade to prevent the ridicule
of bigots? Even if it does not bother me
emotionally that they do so, it still has an effect. Their thoughts are things too.
Ultimately though, I can say it with complete confidence;
being in touch with one's Self, no matter what that might be, despite whatever
this culture might say, is the only way to go.